The Power of Focusing on 10 Key Employers

The Power of Focusing on 10 Key Employers

Aug 20, 2023

In today's newsletter, I'm here to share why it's wiser to aim for specific employers when you're thinking of switching careers.

When Retail Managers start searching for jobs, they often jump onto job websites and send out applications left, right and centre for anything that looks kinda interesting.

You might find yourself applying for hundreds of jobs at many different companies.

But guess what?

Everybody's doing that!

In today's super competitive job world, if we want to succeed, we've got to be different.

We've got to shine and do stuff that other people aren't even thinking about.

One of those smart moves?

Narrowing our focus.

Instead of focusing on hundreds of jobs across many different companies.

A much better strategy is to be laser-focused on 10 specific employers instead.

Let's dive in and see why following this approach will transform you into a standout star in the job market.

Get a job you really want

I often notice Retail Managers opting for jobs that are only "okay" and might provide a slightly better position than their Retail career, but they don't quite hit the mark of being a real dream job. The thing is, when you cast your net too wide, your energy gets scattered among hundreds of different employers. Yet, what you really should be doing is concentrating that energy on the companies that genuinely excite you. Changing careers is a major leap, and you're better off landing a job that's like ten times better than your current one. By honing in on 10 specific companies and ensuring some of them are your dream companies, you can channel your focus and time where it truly counts.

Action: Have a blend of around 3-4 dream companies, 3-4 solid choices, and 3-4 safe options in your top 10 list. This way, you're aiming for that stellar job and giving it your all.

Know more than anyone else

A successful job hunt starts with being prepared, but trying to learn everything about a hundred companies is a bit like preparing for an exam with a hundred different questions. On the other hand, when you're zoned in on just ten, it's like taking a test with just ten questions instead. You have a lot less you need to research and learn. You can dig deep into their specific challenges, industry terms, values, goals, and much more. This knowledge gives you a sharp edge over other candidates.

Action: Become the most prepared candidate by delving deep into researching your target companies.

You don't get stuck for career ideas

Sometimes people hit a wall when thinking about new careers because they aren't sure what jobs are out there beyond retail. But when you zoom in on particular employers, you eliminate this problem. After researching the company, you'll see the array of job options they have, and you'll know which ones match you best. No need to rack your brain for new career ideas. When making my retail escape, I focused on operational and management roles from my top 10 companies. I set my sights on those and ended up landing an Area Manager position with a not-for-profit company.

Action: Find out what roles best match your skills at your top 10 companies.

Make better applications

When you've got your eyes set on a handful of employers, you've got more time to make each job application shine. You've already done the research, so you know what these employers are after in an ideal candidate. Now you can focus and put extra effort into making each application unique, which leads to sending out better applications than your competition.

Action: Spend quality time tweaking your applications to perfection [based on your research].

Get ahead of the competition

Companies really like to hire candidates who've been suggested by someone they trust. That's why sometimes you might not even get an interview, because they might already have someone in mind. But here's the cool part – you can actually become one of those favoured people. It involves a smart plan of connecting with the people in charge of hiring at the companies where you want to work [learn more here]. Doing this without having specific companies in your sights is quite tough. But now you're only focusing on 10 employers you can be really specific and invest the time you need to network with the people that can influence your chances of getting hired. 

Action: Identify and network with hiring managers at your top 10 companies.

Rise above the rest

Sure, lots of people send in their CVs [Resumes] and Cover Letters. But if you really want to shine, you've got to kick it up a notch. And you can do that by sending something super special: a Retail Value Proposition [RVP]. It's like a personalised portfolio, with 3-5 slides in PowerPoint or whichever fancy presentation tool you like [learn more here]. An RVP explains, in a totally different way, why you're super excited to work for their company, why you'd fit in just right, and how your transferable skills can add value to their organisation. You'll be the only one doing this so you'll be separating yourself from the crowd. Crafting these Retail Value Propositions takes a little bit of effort, but if you're focused on just 10 employers, you can totally make sure you have one ready for at least your top 3-4 companies on your list, all set to go when a job pops up.

Action: Get creative and create Retail Value Propositions for your top 3-4 companies. You'll be ready to rock when the perfect job pops up.



There you have it, these six compelling reasons highlight the immense value of maintaining a focused list of 10 employers, rather than adopting an inefficient scattergun approach. By directing your energy towards these select 10, you not only position yourself as the best-prepared candidate but also invest a significant amount of effort into your applications. This concentrated strategy not only gives you the time to rise above your competition but also enables you to engage in activities that often get overlooked when juggling a myriad of potential employers – such as networking directly within your target companies and crafting impactful Retail Value Propositions.

In essence, honing in on these 10 employers is more than a best practice; it's a strategy to success that combines preparation, tailored efforts, and a strategic edge in today's competitive job landscape.

Happy job hunting!


Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

Career Idea Generator: Unlock Exciting Career Ideas Outside of Retail

The Proven Framework for Generating 30+ Career Ideas Outside of Retail Without Sacrificing Your Salary (Even if You Have Absolutely No Experience in Other Industries)

The Job Offer Blueprint: How to Secure Interviews for Your Dream Career Outside of Retail.

The Job Offer Blueprint Is a Multi-Step System for Generating a Pipeline of Interviews for Careers in Exciting Industries - Even if You’ve Only Worked in Retail

2. If you need more hands-on 1:2:1 support.

Join the Retail Escape Academy. The Retail Escape Academy Is a Proven, All-In-One System for Landing a Job You Love Without Connections, Without Traditional “Experience,” and Without Using Job Search Websites. Includes both "Career Idea Generator" and "Job Offer Blueprint" courses. In addition: Self-Marketing Mastery, Nailing Your Interviews + Loads of Hands-On Support. 

Escape Retail & Secure An Exciting New Career Without Taking a Salary Cut

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