How to Effortlessly Write Your Cover Letter in Under 5 Minutes

How to Effortlessly Write Your Cover Letter in Under 5 Minutes

Sep 10, 2023

In this week's newsletter, I'll guide you through the process of crafting an effective cover letter in just three simple steps.

If you aspire to stand out as a job seeker, it's crucial to embrace strategies that set you apart from the competition, and your cover letter presents an excellent opportunity to do just that.

Here are three compelling reasons why you should prioritise the importance of cover letters in your job search.


Many people don’t send cover letters

According to the Job-Seekers survey, more than 47.4% of applicants don't include a cover letter with their application unless the employer specifically asks for one.

Meanwhile, 31.1% of job-seekers don't submit cover letters at all, even though it's always recommended to submit one. 


And when they do, they are generic and pointless

Of those who send cover letters, 35.4% make adjustments to them according to each job they apply to.

34.1% prefer to tailor a completely new letter to each of their applications.

And an additional 30.5% of job-seekers just submit the same letter everywhere they apply.


Yet 83% of hiring managers say that cover letters are important in their hiring decisions

Learning to craft a compelling cover letter sounds like a no-brainer, right?

But here's the thing: Why do so many people not take the time to make one, and make it the right way

Well, because it can take a while, and some people don't know how to do it.

But guess what? You're in luck because I'm going to show you how to make a great cover letter in under 5 minutes:


1. Open a copy of your CV [Resume] and the job description

Start by pulling up a copy of your most recent CV [Resume].

Then open a new tab with the job description for the role you want to apply to (and personalize your cover letter for).

2. Head Over To ChatGPT (or your preferred AI system)

Here's the link to my favourite.

Now Ask it the following prompt...

“Create a tailored cover letter for this job [insert job description] based on my CV [insert your CV/Resume]”

Then the AI will take all of your information from your resume and use it to write a cover letter that is personalised to that job description.

Review the generated cover letter with the understanding that it is a rough draft.

Aim for 60-70% satisfaction with its content.

If it’s not good? Ask the AI to write another version by asking it…

” Provide me with another example”

When you’re happy with the rough outline move on to the next step.

>> Warning << Do not use the word-for-word version that the AI creates for you. It is crucial to edit and infuse it with a more personal touch to avoid sounding overly robotic.

This approach will help you create a strong foundation for your cover letter while allowing room for customisation to align it more closely with your unique experiences and personality.

Here's what it created for me based on the above examples, not bad, right?

3. Personalise and Apply!

It’s time to copy it over to your favourite word processor and start editing it.

What are you looking to edit?

- Remove anything that doesn’t make sense to you (or sounds generic).

- Add more context to areas that need more detail around your specific career history and achievements.

Once you’ve added your personal touch it’s ready to submit.

Now you can effortlessly send personalised cover letters for every job application without the hassle of spending hours on writing and editing.

Happy job hunting!



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:


1. The Job Offer Blueprint: This affordable and comprehensive course will teach you the proven system I used to transform my failed job search. Go from facing online application rejection to securing 1-2 interviews per week with exciting companies. Achieve a better work-life balance without having to compromise your salary. Gain everything you need to start generating results in just 2+ hours.

Click here to check it out.

2. Think you need more 1:2:1 support and accountability? Schedule a free call with me by completing this form. We'll discuss how we can finally make your career change happen by working together.

Click here to schedule your free call.


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