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How the "Triple Down Method" Can Transform Your Job Hunt

Sep 17, 2023

In this week's newsletter, I'll be introducing you to a powerful strategy that has not just boosted but supercharged my success in the job market.

It’s called the “Triple Down Method”.

And it basically means I always put 3 times the effort into everything I do.

Why is this approach so crucial?

Well, because the majority of your competition in the job market tends to be complacent or ill-prepared.

 Just to a look at these statistics:

  • Just 32.9% of people make significant changes to their CVs [Resumes] before they apply for each job they want.
  • 47.4% of applicants don't include a cover letter with their application unless the employer specifically asks for one.
  • 62% of people only spend 30 minutes on each application they make.

Now, think about it.

While you may not be able to alter your experience, qualifications, or skills overnight, you do have full control over the time and effort you invest in every aspect of your job search.

This approach doesn't just benefit you either; it's equally significant to potential employers.

They are in search of highly motivated individuals who can demonstrate exceptional value.

A basic job application doesn't do that.

And it certainly won't cut it in today's competitive job market.

So, here’s how you can apply the triple-down method in your job search.


Applying for a job

Effort Level 1: Submit a job application

Effort Level 2: Schedule a call with the recruiter or hiring manager to find out more about the role

Effort Level 3: Follow up with a Retail Value Proposition


Reaching out to useful contacts

Effort Level 1: Send a message to that useful contact

Effort Level 2: Follow up with them a further 2 more times if they don’t reply

Effort Level 3: Research the person and personalise your message


When you’ve been rejected by a company

Effort Level 1: Accept the rejection and move on

Effort Level 2: Follow up, asking for feedback

Effort Level 3: Send them a personalised thank you for their time. Reiterating your value once more


When you don’t meet all the criteria for the job you want

Effort Level 1: Apply for the job even if you don't meet all the criteria

Effort Level 2: Compose a cover letter articulating how you would excel in the role, even in the absence of some specific requirements

Effort Level 3: Take proactive steps to acquire and develop the skills or experience needed to bridge the gap


Self-marketing materials

Effort Level 1: Use the same CV (Resume) and Cover Letter for every job application

Effort Level 2: Customise your CV (Resume) a little bit for each job

Effort Level 3: Customise 50%+ of your CV (Resume) and create a new Cover Letter for each job opportunity



In conclusion, the "Triple Down Method" is not merely a strategy; it's a game-changer in the competitive job market. Whether you're applying for a job, reaching out to contacts, dealing with rejection, or facing criteria gaps, committing to this extra effort can genuinely set you apart from the majority of applicants who opt for a more complacent approach.

Happy job hunting!



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:


1. The Job Offer Blueprint: This affordable and comprehensive course will teach you the proven system I used to transform my failed job search. Go from facing online application rejection to securing 1-2 interviews per week with exciting companies. Achieve a better work-life balance without having to compromise your salary. Gain everything you need to start generating results in just 2+ hours.

Click here to check it out.

2. Think you need more 1:2:1 support and accountability? Schedule a free call with me by completing this form. We'll discuss how we can finally make your career change happen by working together.

Click here to schedule your free call.

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